Treatment Options

Damon® Braces

Damon® braces were invented by Dr. Dwight Damon. The Damon® bracket utilizes (sliding-door) technology known as “self-ligation” that allows the wire to slide back and forth within the bracket.

No elastic or steel ties are used with Damon® brackets. This technology creates less friction and results in greater comfort for the patient. In addition, Damon® braces often reduce both treatment time and the number of adjustments that are usually performed.


Having a confident smile can change everything. And Invisalign makes the decision easy, because you can get a stunning smile without most people even noticing you’re going through treatment. The Invisalign® System is a series of clear overlay templates—called aligners—that have been generated by computer simulation to gradually move the teeth. This system is available to patients with certain orthodontic problems. Ask us if you are a candidate for the Invisalign® system.