Have you heard about our “We Pay for A’s” Program? Basically, students or their parents can send in their report card to us at the end of each term. For Each “A” on the report card we will donate $1.00 to your school. This is a fun incentive for students to get good grades and reward their school for their progress!
I want to remind you that we are only looking at the school name, student name, date and the grades. We will never contact the participants or advertise to them. We are simply looking for a good way to give back to the community!
We would love to continue this program into next year and so on, as well! Rather than bringing in their report card, they can email an original picture or screen shot of their skyward report card. Honesty is appreciated! Email to thompsonreportcards@gmail.com.
Once we have reviewed all of the report cards we will bring in a donation check.
We are excited to partner with schools in the area and we ask that you help us get the word out to parents and students at your school. We have a 5’x8’ banner that we would like to hang in an area that would be highly visible for parents. The banner must be up for you to participate in the program. The more participation we get, the more money we are able to donate. Please let us know who our best point of contact is for this program. We look forward to working with you and being your partner in education!
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